Australian honey news and information

University research suggests Australian manuka honey stronger than NZ variety

Australian manuka honey leptospermum manuka manuka honey research

University research suggests Australian manuka honey  stronger than NZ variety

Research at Australia’s Sunshine Coast has found a local variety of the manuka or tea-tree bush may produce more potent medicinal honey than the species which grows in New Zealand. The finding was revealed in a segment screened on the high-profile and popular ABC Gardening television show last month

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UK scientific study shows manuka honey helps treat cystic fibrosis

cystic fibrosis manuka honey manuka honey research medical manuka honey

UK scientific study shows manuka honey helps treat cystic fibrosis

 A new study by a group of UK bio-medical scientists shows that manuka honey will be likely to do a better job than antibiotics in treating the resistant bacterial strains that afflict sufferers of cystic fibrosis.

According to results from the study published at Frontiers of Microbiology earlier this year, manuka honey was effective in killing some 39% of the anti-biotic resistant bacteria.

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Australian honey is different; better purity tests needed

Australian honey is different; better purity tests needed

A government backed review of tests to prove honey purity says that they sometimes don’t work with Australian honeys.

Just like Australian trees and plants, some Australian honeys have different chemical characteristics compared to those found in other parts of the world, and particularly in Europe. 


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Doctors say honey is the best medicine for your child’s coughs and cold

Doctors say honey is the best medicine for your child’s coughs and cold

Honey is a better bet for treating a child’s persistent night-time cough than over-the-counter medicine.

Dr Ronald McCoy, from the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP), said that “honey is preferred to over-the-counter cough suppressants to relieve symptoms of night-time coughing in a child over 12 months old with a cold.”

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Leatherwood honey shortages looming

Leatherwood honey shortages looming

Shortages of Australia's finest and rarest honey - leatherwood honey - are almost certain to be felt later this year.


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