Pollen, Bee Pollen - Forest Fresh, 250gms
Bee pollen is one of nature's original super foods. It contains lots of protein, vitamins and minerals, and is particularly rich in vitamin B12 and amino acids.
Bee pollen also has powerful antioxidant properties.
It is collected by bees when they visit flowers in search of nectar. The pollen in the flowers sticks to the bees legs, and a small amount of is rubbed off and transferred to the stamen of the next flower they visit. This fertilizes the flower and, for many plants, enables fruit or a nut to form. (This is why we refer to "pollination" and why bees are so important to food production.")
Research shows that adding pollen to your diet can have many beneficial effects, including
Relieving inflammation. ...
Boosting liver health. ...
Strengthening the immune system. ...
Easing the symptoms of menopause. ...
Reducing stress. ...
Speeding healing.
Typically, bee pollen is eaten as a dietary supplement.
Sprinkling a teaspoon on breakfast cereal, for example, is a good way to eat it.
This 250gms package from Forest Fresh contains 100% pure, natural Australian bee pollen. It is completely natural and has been freeze dried to form crunchy small crystals.
(Note: the different colours of the pollen crystals reflect the different natural colours of the pollen in the various plants and trees from which the bees collected it.)
Interesting fact: When the bees return to the hive with pollen on their legs, they store it in the cells of the honeycomb. But before they do that, they first mix it with honey (and their gut enzymes) to create a compound known as "bee bread". This is a highly nutritious substance that is fed to and eaten by baby bees.
Bee pollen is a wholly natural product but it should be treated with respect, and particularly if you suffer from asthma or have allergies
Pregnant women should also be cautious with bee pollen, as too should older people using blood thinners like warfarin.